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Business People

Frequently Asked Questions

See answers to the questions everyone is asking. Our desire is to be transparent with you in our brand's platform, growth, and future plans.


When will the next feature come out?

Sign up for our Newsletter on the Home page to be updated as new features come out!

How much is a subscription?

Full subscription information on the Pricing page.

How do I operate as an agent?

For now, share access with your Creators' accounts and run as you please with their permission. In the future, we will have more features for you.

Is Grocially an Agency?

Grocially is a marketing app that can provide additional support for different membership types. Grocially is not an agency and does not require exclusivity.

Who can sign up?

Brands, Creators, Agents, and any extension of their teams - see Companies, Agents, and Creators pages to learn more.

How do I share my campaign?

Published campaigns all come with a Link to copy and share. Feel free to post on social or send directly to current or desired creators/brands.

How does it work?

See Features Page for information about how the app works.

Is there a mobile app?

There is no mobile app today, but we are working on releasing that soon!

Can I cancel?

Yes, please email if you wish to cancel your account.

The site's not working right - what do I do?

Email to report the issue so we can fix it.

We Value Your Feedback

We highly value your comments and suggestions - please contact us at any time with feedback so we can continue to develop an amazing product that meets your needs.

Customer Service

Email for any issues or questions you may have about your account.

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